Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The morning of the first slide

It's 6:45am, 8th December. I'll slide for the first time here in Lake Placid today. 

I can't get back to sleep, my alarm won't go off for another hour. I woke up at 2, 4 and 6am this morning because I am still jet lagged. Nerves have taken over now, sleep is long gone.

I've got that swirly feeling in my tummy and my limbs feel a little bit shaky. There's still five hours until training begins; which means these feelings are only going to intensify. 

I am also excited; it's the first new track in a while. We visited the track yesterday and it's completely different from other tracks I've slid on. Lots of single pressure corners and short transitions. Video footage of races looks quite frankly wild. But today we go from a lower start, not the top. Apparently our coaches granny could get down with no bother!! It's still hard to quell the nerves though. 

Breakfast is first up then a track walk before we slide at 11:30am (4:30 pm uk time). If I have time I'll post later how it went ... 

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