Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Sports science: what they don't teach you at University

It's been two years since I handed in my MSc project at Loughborough university and 21 months of that I have been working in applied sports science. It's been a journey, not what I expected so I thought I'd share some thoughts I have around a career in sport science. Because there's an awful lot they don't teach you at University.

1. First and foremost... It doesn't matter what you know academically you you NEED NEED NEED people skills (aka soft skills). Because you will only be in a position to deliver support and show off all that fancy science IF that person/athlete/coach trusts you. So work on being a good person!! I cannot emphasise this enough, 99% of my barriers in my job come from needing to have better relationships. 

2. If you don't ask you don't get. If you want something go and get it. In sport nothing comes to you. I wanted to work at the Commonwealth Games so I asked and made it known that I was available. And guess what I got to work at the games. But if I hadn't I don't know if i I would have been approached. 
Training with one the Team Scotland guys pre Games in the Village

3. You have to be seen to be heard. Get your face out there and become familiar to the people/sports/athletes/coaches you work with. That way when they have a question you might come to mind.

4. Never say "that's not my job". Over the summer I cleaned wheelie bins on several occasions, put up gazebos and set out hurdles. Not classic exercise physiology but what the hell. At the end of the day you're there to support athletes; in whatever form.

 Me in a wheelie bin at the Scottish Athletics CWG holding camp

5. It's not working with athletes 24/7. Being an exercise physiologist can mean lots of meetings and lots of desk work. Just be prepared for that. 

6. IT skills and maths will come in useful. The nerdier you are with Excel the better. So pay attention at uni cause they do teach you this.

7. Life is not a perfect research study or a BASES case study. There's a reason why not many publications are in applied sport. It's not controlled, randomised or blinded. But work with it, you can still find answers to performance questions.

8. Words such as 'impact' and phrases like 'performance solution' will become second nature. Delivering what is asked is not enough!! You will need to be able to prove how much IMPACT your support had on an outcome (if there even is one). University doesn't teach you the lingo :)

9. Athletes and coaches can be a NIGHTMARE!!!! For some reason they don't grovel at your feet begging for support, sometimes it's the exact opposite :( just remember they are under pressure from all sides and coaches in particular are just trying to protect their athletes and keep them safe so that they can perform. This is where building relationships is essential. 

10. When it's good it's the best job in the world. No phd, teaching qualification or graduate scheme can even come close. So stick at it. 

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