Mummy and family, Christmas 2012
So not actually a great photo! We are all looking at different cameras obviously BUT this was the last time we were all together for Christmas. Samantha (second left) my sister was away last Christmas and will be again this year which is sad. We always miss her a lot at Christmas time as our Christmases are very family orientated. |
Jayne's 24th birthday - Baywatch fancy dress |
I was living in Loughborough at the time and it was July; usually not a time for going out (athletics season!). However, Jayne and I were both injured and a lot of people needed to blow off steam re Olympics and disappointments so we thought fuck it. What a night! The picture is taken in my room which had the front door in and also includes Abi - a pole vaulter and in my training group. She's not usually one for fancy dress (understatement) but she seemed to enjoy Baywatch.
MSc Graduation - Loughborough University, 2012
Yes graduation was a major day. By December 2012 we'd all been through the mill for various reasons. 2011-12 was definitely a testing year for Harriet, Charlotte and I (housemates at the time). So we were just thrilled to be through it but at the same time the realities of job hunting had hit. But I just love this photo because it sums us up perfectly - chaos. |
Leopold love
Another Loughborough pic - sorry! No prizes for guessing where I had the most fun! Harriet and I were strangers when we moved into Leopold street. Here we are during one of our infamous pre-drinks at the house not a clue why I am on top of her but in hysterics! And that's why we became and are best friends. |
Athletics comeback with a little (a lot of help from Sarah)
2014 was my comeback. I didn't compete between 2012-13 but with support from my new training group in Edinburgh, coaches, friends and colleagues I entered my first LJ comp in 2 years in January 2014. I don't smile when I think back to the competition; it wasn't great. But I like this photo because it is Sarah and I both disgruntled with our performances that day just having a little 'we're fed up moment' and it was hilariously caught on camera. |
Charlotte's wedding summer 2014
Charlotte is one of my oldest friends. She and I went to the same school from the age of 11. We also had the same first job and were basically part of each others families. She has far too many stories to tell about me - all that are hilarious; at my expense. Anyway she married her 'fit boy Luke' this summer and it was just such a beautiful ceremony, celebration and day. I could not have been happier for them. In the picture are all the girls from school that were there and honestly it was like we had never left. Old friends are the best. |
Daddy and family: Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo August 2014
My dad brought my two youngest brothers up during the summer and this was a selfie we took just before the heavens opened and we got drenched for a solid hour and half! But it was the last night of a really great week with them so it always puts a big smile on my face. |
So, there you are. I was asked to select 5 photos that made me happy. 7 was the minimum I managed. And I could probably pick 50 and still want more. Family and friends is the unofficial theme - I am a people person and will never get the same satisfaction from anything material compared to good times with people. And these lot mean everything to me. But of course I haven't managed to get everyone important in - it was an impossible task. So take 10 minutes and have a look through your snaps - free smiles for you!
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