We've had a rest day today so as there is no skeleton chat for you I thought I'd introduce you to my fellow athletes out here. And in honour of the troll museum we visited today I've got a photo of each of their troll face (no filter).
Midtgarden 3 inhabitants
Maddy Smith

Age 19, previously a 100m hurdler. Lives in Bath. Random fact: her favourite word is 'perfect'. E.g. Maddy: "where's Kim?" Abbie: "in the toilet" Maddy: "perfect". She uses it ALL the time.
Abbie Hewitt

Age 18, previously a sprinter. Lives in Truro.
Random fact: she normally speaks in a southern accent until she's on the phone to her parents when she transforms in to a Welsh person! It's so freaky like someone Welsh has taken over her body.
Alice Lennox

Age 23, lives in Manchester, works as a physio. Previous sport: athletics - heptathlete. Random fact: she 'enjoys' a dance and her signature move is the wide stance slut drop.
Chloe Sidwell

Age 19, lives in Sheffield. From Stamford, Lincolnshire. She has come to power2podium from badminton. Random fact: she is putting us all to shame with her discipline and has already submitted an assignment.
Midtgarden 2
Hannah Stevenson

Age 21, formerly a 200m sprinter. From Nottingham but lives and goes to uni in Sheffield. Random fact: has the wickedest laugh and the life and soul of the group.
Brogan Crowley

Age 20, heptathlete. Lives in Loughborough, from Manchester. Random fact: she has only hit corner 13 once. The rest of us hit it almost every time. She's a natural.
Ellie Furneaux

Age 20, not from a particular sport. Lives in Bath, studying at Bath Spa. From Kent. Random fact: she'd memorised the track back in August before any of us has even googled it.
Liv Callaghan

Age 21, from athletics (100/200). Lives and studies in Loughborough, from Manchester. Random fact: hates baldness.
There are 3 members of staff here with us too. If they oblige with the troll face I'll add them in tomorrow's blog.
And in case you're missing my face here it is....
And this is what we look like normally. The princess is our 10th member.
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