Firstly, I was home almost a week early than I expected. And I was injured. Two things I hadn't banked on. I got home on Tuesday eve and went to work on Wednesday. I'd always planned to go straight back to work; it's not like I have any spare leave to take! But what I didn't think about is that if I'd come home with the others on a Saturday I would have had Saturday eve and Sunday before work on Monday. So I lost a few days of R+R. But I usually run about full steam ahead so I didn't even think about it and just powered on.
I got some physio a few days after being back so was able to get my ankle rehab underway which was good. But I was suffering from the travel and not having the luxury of resting on a regular basis because of work. In Lillehammer I was driven about quite a lot (to dinner etc.) and I didn't do all the track walks and other physical activities meaning I could rest. So reality was a lot tougher on my ankle. But I took the best care of it that I could. Icing it under the desk at work, getting the bus into town rather than walking and working hard on my rehab.
The next weird thing hit home at the weekend. I wanted to see people I'd missed over the past few months but I had no friends :( well let me rephrase that... none of my friends were free to make plans with! Of course I wasn't expected to be home and life goes on when you're away. It's very arrogant that you expect people to be there waiting for you to get back and available to spend time with you. All my friends are successful, busy people with social lives so it is not a personal insult that they were not able to drop all plans and come keep me company. But you do sort of expect people to be wanting to see you - and they were. We just needed to find time. So I spent the weekend by myself getting life back together (I did 3 clothes washes) and running errands (shopping!) It worked out pretty well to be honest as it gave my ankle some time to rest up.
A lot of washing :( |
Just as I was beginning to get bored of my 'relaxing' weekend my housemate Lizzie got ill. I won't say it was a welcome distraction but it was a distraction. Looking after her took up most of Sunday afternoon and evening and culminated in a hospital trip at 12:50 am Monday morning!! We didn't get home until 6 am. Poor Lizzie and so much for my weekend of R+R. Anyway as she'd had a sickness bug I was advised to be wary of coming down with it over the next few days. So I took Monday off work to sleep and work at home so as not to risk passing anything on to anyone else. Lizzie went to her Mum's to be looked after and as I'd felt fine all Monday I went to work on Tuesday thinking I'd escaped this bug and rather proud of my immune system.
Famous last words. Two good training sessions and two meals out (late nights) later I woke up on Thursday feeling rubbish! No nausea or anything extreme just achy (that I couldn't pass of as DOMS) and super tired. Not like me at all. So I have spent the last few days trying to rest and stave off anything worse coming along. Luckily with my job I can work from home which saves a 2 h commute and is also good for my colleagues so they don't have to come into contact with any bug.
I'd say I am pretty much back to normal today. I have eaten meals (well a pizza) rather than just breakfast food and am wanting tea again. I also went to town and didn't need to sleep after (I needed a 2h nap after walking to the shop yesterday). My ankle has also benefited from not really moving the past few days and the swelling is all but gone and I have managed to progress my rehab. But what have I learned from this past week or so?
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My same size ankles |
Shopping Haul (all Primark and New Look at least) |
Illness is a funny thing. I'm still reluctant to say I have been ill. I haven't been bedridden, nor have I needed a doctor or medication beyond paracetamol. But I knew I wasn't myself, not 100%. And all I can conclude is that my body did what it could to make me slow down/stop because it needed it. I'm glad I listened. And hopefully I won't need to get 'ill' in order to take better care of myself in future. Luckily the Skeleton World Championships, Davis Cup and European Indoor Athletics Championships have all been on this weekend so I have had plenty to keep me entertained. Thank goodness for live streaming, laptops, iPad's and HDMI cables.
Skeleton v Athletics |
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