4 weeks out
I was enjoying the bank holiday at home on the Isle of Wight. Every August bank holiday on the IOW is a big scooter rally, literally thousands of scooters descend on the island and party and admire one another's scooters. It all culminates in a big 'ride out' on the Sunday morning from Ryde seafront along to Sandown. It is quite a spectacle as well as being incredibly noisy and smelly. It's a family tradition to go watch the ride out so it was nice to be involved as I am usually off island.
I'd bought James, my boyfriend home for the first time too! He got into the spirit later in the day, maybe a little too much though! We were at a family BBQ and dad has his Lambretta scooter out reminiscing, James wanted to have a go but ended up crashing it into Katie's (dads girlfriends) car! Not a first impression he wishes to repeat. Funny for the rest of us though (dad and Katie not included).
In terms of sliding prep I'd just finished my penultimate summer Bath camp and we'd started to prepare for ice by building our sleds and thinking about tracks again. Just enough to whet the appetite! Making sure I see my family when I can is another important aspect of preparing because of the long amounts of time I'm away. It limits when I can see them else when, for example around my birthday.
A while back I made the decision to buy a ticket to Bestival, a music festival on the Isle of Wight. It is quite literally my happy place. Knowing I'd have a tough winter ahead I decided it was a good time to just get away from Edinburgh and work and relax before it all really kicked off. I think it was the correct decision. Having moved flat the Sunday before Bestival and being under pressure at work, in training and personally I was super stressed leading into Bestival. I needed a break and some respite from my situation! I had a fantastic weekend, spent time with my brother and friends and saw some great music and sights! Bestival did not disappoint ❤️. Monday post Bestival, traditionally not the best of days and reality hit again! 2 weeks until I was leaving for 5 weeks! I needed a suitcase and I needed to organise my life... Mum to the rescue with the case, £16 later and it was on the plane back to Stirling (new home) with me.
1 week out
James had been away cycling with a friend so my post Bestival week was actually super productive albeit rather busy and with little time to chill! Alongside training (daily) which often left me shaky and weak feeling I was plotting my grand plans for sponsorship. I was also back to work full time and preparing two reviews and three hand overs amongst usual day to day work! Amidst all this I had a vague sense that I needed to be checking things for going away too. Upon doing so I realised my EHIC card had expired and I needed a new driving license (cough, might have lost mine at Bestival, cough). I had a long long list and the easy days of Bestival seemed like a different life.
BUT I love a list and after a super productive Saturday with Tracy (new flat mate and BFF) I'd made strides with buying bits and pieces including a tool bag, a spanner and head torch (you need all sorts for skeleton)! I'd even unpacked my bedroom and could see carpet; what a luxury. Tracy I am sure was grateful my boxes were no longer cluttering up her hallway, kitchen, lounge! 

1 day out
My driving license, sliding gloves and EHIC have all arrived-phew! Thanks mum and Hannah! James is home and being my hero helping me out and calming me down when I'm stressing and need blue time.

I've also started my career break... That's me, unemployed for the next 12 months. That's a very very scary and exciting prospect and the motivation behind needing a sponsor!! I had a lovely leaving meal though and some fantastic cake, cards and presents from my colleague which made having to give back my kit bag, phone, laptop and CAR back somewhat more bearable (until I had to walk home post training that is). People have been super supportive and it means a lot knowing that they believe in me and want me to succeed. I'm going to miss them and my job! That was the worst, being in reviews for rowing and netball, talking about next year and how we will support sports and knowing I won't be able to be involved! I'll just have to follow their progress from afar.
Practically speaking I've started to pack (well make piles), I've done all my buying (bar a gumshield which James is insistent I have) so I decided to just have a normal non skeleton day with James. We went to North Berwick which is in East Lothian. First of all we had a monster lunch at The Grange (amazing burgers) then we wandered along the beach. I love a beach! Scottish beaches aren't quite as warm as Isle of Wight beaches but the air smells like home and its invigorating. Plus I needed a walk after all that food!! We finished the day watching the much anticipated England v Wales rugby World Cup game...what a shame! And true to form James supported the Welsh so was very smug come the final few minutes!
1 hour out
I've lost my gumshield. Uh oh! James made me mould it three times earlier today until he was happy with it (he's an ex boxer and doesn't want me coming home with a missing tooth)! We've had a slightly eventful trip to the airport. We got packed and finished up pretty good earlier and then still left it a tad on the late side to walk to the train with two 20kg bags!! The first few minutes of the journey were a bit sweaty to say the least. We then got on a tram without a ticket and the guard tried to charge us double! No thanks, so we got off and waited for the next one using the time to buy tickets. Why that rule applies on the trams but not the buses or trains I don't know. I'm not a fan. At the airport my bags weighed 19.8 and 18.2 kg phew! Bag fear averted!
After dinner we were basically counting down the time until we had to say goodbye ... Last year I was single so just say bye to friends and family and off I went. This time though it was not nice and I was definitely a bit fragile through security - that is until they pulled me up for having scissors in my bag, which made me smile (I'd packed my pencil case obvs)! I'm so glad this is the longest stint (5 weeks) that I'll be away in one go. It's a sacrifice to have to be away in this manner but it has to be done in this sport and most of my team are in a similar boat. Once we are all together and getting on with it it'll be much better.
So this is it. Two 20 kg bags packed, I've said my goodbyes, left my job, done the training. Now it's business time. We have a week in Bath for testing and final preparations then off to Latvia for a push camp (no actual sliding) and then it's Lillehammer for three weeks; hello corner 13!
I haven't decided how frequently I will blog but I will blog! Keep in touch x
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